CPR friendly street party
A CPR Friendly Street Party is a great way to bring the street and locals together. It revitalises the community spirit in a fun but socially concise way to help create a heart smart street, with the added option of raising funds for a street defibrillator. Typically hosted at a resident’s home or local public park, these casual events ideally run for 90 minutes, which includes a 30 minute CPR information session. An example might be 4:30pm–6pm on a Sunday afternoon with every household invited to bring a plate and drinks.
Our first CPR friendly Street Party was run in Newport, NSW in February 2019, with 50 local residents. Funds for a defibrillator were raised with the AED placed centrally within 3 minutes of everyone in the street. This life-saving emergency device is stored in a weatherproof alarmed storage cabinet for security.
What people say
“The CPR Friendly Street Party was such a relaxed way for our family to gain an understanding of CPR. A catch up with a neighbour, some yummy food and an hour of our time has now prepared us to assist someone in need until help arrives. Everyone needs to get CPR friendly!”
Susan Fisk
“Our CPR Friendly Street Party was a great experience on a number of levels. The fact that we could all educate ourselves to better help each other when we really need it was wonderful plus it gave our street an opportunity to get to know each other much better and a reason to keep on catching up. It brought us all closer together.”
David Mellers
“It was such a pleasure to host our local CPR Friendly Street Party. To understand just how important taking actions is in those first 3 minutes and how vital a defibrillator can be – especially when you learn the statistics. Bringing together our neighbours was an added bonus as we now realise that friendly education and awareness is key to saving lives.”
Dee Clinton
Want to host your own CPR friendly street party event?

Contact. Connect. Collaborate.
Write to us at any time and we will be happy to answer all your questions.